Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pure Funnel Powder

Botanical Name : Foeniculum vulgare

Fennel, harvested from the sweet fennel herb, is used all over the world for both medicinal and seasoning. Fennel has a mild licorice flavor and aroma. Fennel seeds are popular in many sausage recipes, especially for Italian sausage. They are also used in baking, some curry recipes, and in some fruit dishes.

It is traditionally considered one of the best herbs for fish dishes. The English use fennel seeds in almost all fish dishes, especially as a court bouillon for poaching fish and seafood. It is used to flavour breads, cakes and confectionery. It is an ingredient of Chinese Five Spices and of some curry powders. Several liquors are flavoured with fennel, including fennouillette, akvavit, gin and was used in distilling absinthe.

Attributed Medical Properties
Fennel is highly beneficial in digestive disorders. It may be given in small quantities to help young children digest carbohydrates. Chewing its seeds after meals prevents foul breath, indigestion, constipation and vomiting. It is a valuable herb for treating colic, for helping the baby to release gas and relieve tummy. It is believed that fennel benefits the eyes. Fennel seeds promote menstruation and regulate monthly periods. An infusion of the seeds can be given in painful menstruation and other menstrual irregularities.

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